What's On Offer for School Visits

At Tarves Heritage Centre we are able to offer schools a link in to answering the 'big questions' such as 'What was it like to go to school a long time ago?', 'How were children treated at school compared to today?' 'What subjects did they study?' Did they have any choice about how and what they learned?'

We have a representation of a traditional Victorian Classroom where school groups can experience a Victorian school day using role-play and costumes. A script is attached which has a suggested scenario for teachers to follow. Lessons are suggested but any appropriate subject matter could be used. The important point is to make the experience as real as possible for the class so that they can become immersed in another time and place. This supports CfE Social Studies at First and Second Level:

First Level:

I understand that evidence varies in the extent to which it can be trusted and can use this in learning about the past. SOC 1-01a
By exploring places, investigating artefacts and locating them in time, I have developed an awareness of the ways in which we remember and preserve Scotland’s history. SOC 1-02a
I can use evidence to recreate the story of a place or individual of local historical interest. SOC 1-03a
I can compare aspects of people’s daily lives in the past with my own by using historical evidence or the experience of recreating an historical setting. SOC 1-04a
Having selected a significant individual from the past, I can contribute to a discussion on the influence of their actions, then and since. SOC 1-06a

Second Level:

I can use primary and secondary sources selectively to research events in the past. SOC 2-01a
I can interpret historical evidence from a range of periods to help build a picture of Scotland’s heritage and my sense of chronology. SOC 2-02a
I can investigate a Scottish historical theme to discover how past events or the actions of individuals or groups have shaped Scottish society. SOC 2-03a
I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and differences. SOC 2-04a
I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence. SOC 2-06

We can also offer MTV opportunities, especially 'I see, I think, I wonder' that you can take away with you for further development when you get back to school

To book, please call 07745 366698 or email catherinesmith976@btinternet.com or tarvesheritage@outlook.com

You can download the booking form, risk assessment and donation form for BACS payments here:

School Visit Booking form

School Visits Risk Assessment

Donation form

Suggested Visit Outline

A suggested script for you to follow is attached

Tarves Heritage Schoolroom scenario March 2023


Costumes are available for female teachers and assistants however to ensure a good fit we would suggest that you wear your own if possible - a dark coloured long skirt and a high necked blouse - male staff should dress in a black suit with waistcoat and a white wing collared shirt. Children should be encouraged to dress in an appropriate manner e.g. with 3/4 length skirts and white high necked blouses ; or long trousers tucked into socks and a grandad shirt. Waistcoats and aprons are available at the centre to finish this off authentically.

"Thanks again for a wonderful trip, the children haven't stopped talking about it!" St Fergus Primary

"It was really funny when Miss McGibbon turned into a really loud and really strict Victorian Teacher" Brandon, Kaimhill Primary School